

luni, 12 august 2013

Nice or too nice …?

Through the years I’ve come to witness or  be involved in friendships between women. I'd call this , in a very simple way , something like “friend or enemy ” / be “nice or too nice” with the other.

For a start, I’ve had a looot of  " best friends forever" . Like forever and and ever, but it was just untill a short period of time , eventually. They were all different personalities. That’s exactly why I kept seeing only some , very few, all that the years have past.  Not just because we’ve had trouble getting along, but because of situations  that grew us apart , due to our opinions  and decisions . After all , female friendship is such a complex thing to pull together. I don’t even know if it’s for real. It all seems to be only for the times when the two friends aprove of each other’s actions and decisions. Aprove, even though , only in words , but not in believe. We, women , seem to join each other in company , in order to defend our situations, to look for aproval, and any other way of things to evolve, is the wrong way. The BFF is no such any more. Maybe this is not really the best way to be as a friend. Maybe a friend means to very delicately explain your own opionion and judgement, without hurting or disconsidering the view of the other. After all one knows herself what’s best . Yes, sometimes it’s not obvious , but as the things go on , she will find the decision to make. If it is the wrong one… who knows?.. But it should be made on her own. As if not to immitate another and listen to the dot , what the other advises.  This is as if somebody else rather than ourselves knows what is best for us.  We know, and only we do. It is just hidden somewhere , deep in our minds and souls. Just need a bit of confidence and trust in ourselves and it will all come together.

So, sometimes, too nice will hurt . As in trying to hard to help that friend. I’ve heard that women don’t ask for solutions, when talking, they just want to talk and to be listened to, paid attention to. Because they ( we) might know from the start what we want, maybe sometimes it is to hard to go and get it. These said, maybe it’s better to respect the other and speak out only when asked . And if asked, say it delicately.

All this would be worth , if the friend is one that is  dear to us and really deserves this attention and consideration.  But if the reaction is not the one expected and the friend becomes just some randome aquaintance , then she is not worth the friendship. The good thing that it became obvious , the way the other person is for real. At least you khow now. Just be nice to others  and too nice only to yourself and  it will all come together.

After all , this is the way I think, either this or that.   Really… no in between. Because “in between” tends to lean towards “that” . Meaning “no” – “no, I don’t care anymore”.

joi, 1 august 2013

2 happy , as in "happy with 2 kids " :)

...Aauch... greu mai e . Greu sa cresti copii , complicat sa scriu despre asta. Am inceput post-ul, am sters post-ul. Asta de multe ori .

Multi mi-au spus : "wow, ce frumos e sa ai 2 copii!" . Da, uneori este. Alteori imi vine sa o iau pe aratura .. cu un enduro ceva ( motocicleta )  :))
Fiecare omulet din asta are caracterul sau. Pentru mine sunt 2 extreme : Denis si Isabela. Primul e o agitatie si activitate maxima, e foarte hotarat, destept ,vorbeste non-stop  dar si "very hard to handle" :  obraznicii , mofturi & co. Cand s-a nascut am zis ca va fi cantaret de muzica rock. Cred ca are tot ce ii trebuie :))
Isabela insa e romantica , vesela, linistita, dulcica. Nani si Tzitzi sunt "her best friends" . La diamante nu a ajuns inca :)  ( asa ca in vorba aia : diamonds are a girl's best friends )  .

Eu sunt foarte fatzaita si nu imi place sa stau locului. Mereu trebuie sa fac ceva ce imi place. Acum ador sa fiu cu Isabela. Inca mai incerc sa gasesc timp pentru un desen , o haina, ceva dintre "ale mele " . Important e sa am timp sa mananc . Cred ca e nevoie si de asa ceva , omul mai mananca din cand in cand :) Contar parerilor lui Stefan :D

Dar totusi , multi nu isi dau seama , probabil cei care nu trec prin asa ceva, ca e o munca de felul celui mai greu job din lume sa cresti copii. Si mai exista si vorba proasta " stai acasa" .
Da , in casa , definit ca si spatiu . Dar oare faptul ca trebuie  sa faci zi de zi aceleasi lucruri , in acelasi spatiu , in acelasi fel , oare nu e obositor fizic si emotional?... Singurul raspuns la aceasta intrebare este "DA". Cine zice "nu" , sa incerce :)
Aaaa si toate astea asortate de o oboseala de pici, adica practic mai ai putin si cazi din picioare. Zi de zi, in fiecare zi.

Am doi copii minunati , nu le-as schimba felul nicidecum, pentru mine sunt perfecti asa cum sunt, pentru ca au un anumit tip de caracter si asta nu se poate modifica. Vorbesc de fel de a fi si personalitate, nu de moftureala, obrazniceala, aruncat pe jos , tipat, urlat, lovit , scuipat si alte "veselii" .....Astea as vrea sa dispara :D  
Go figure this out :)

Si mai cred ca sunt o mama buna, adica pentru copiii mei sunt cea mai potrivita, de asta ii am pe ei . Ce imi doresc cel mai mult e sa creasca sanatosi si fericiti. Sa aiba curaj sa faca ceea ce le place , sa isi exploreze talentele. Exista oare pe undeva cursuri pentru copii ( Denis )   "How to become a rock star"? :))) hmmm, la fel de bine ar putea face balet , dar daca va fi el fericit si multumit, atunci e perfect.
Motto-ul meu e :" Happy mommy, happy baby" . So, I need to get me happy all the time :)))

Ps: bine ca nu am publicat  ce am scris aseara si 2  seri in urma ... totusi, ar fi fost un post  "too desperate, too serious and too  tired"  . Doar din cauza oboselii. Dar trece si devine din ce in ce mai usor si mai frumos . Pana la urma daaa  , e m-i-n-u-n-a-t ca am ( avem ) 2 copii , anume pe acesti 2 copii :x :x :x

Ps. 2 : urmeaza sa mergem la mare toti 4, asa ca wait and see ..... :D